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Most of us know about washing our hunting gear in detergent that is phosphate free by now - so that game find it harder to see us.

But what about our backpacks, etc? I'm starting to get ready for the Gatta trip and this got me thinking. I've got my main backpack which may or may not shine like a beacon to deer. Then there's the various bits and pieces I hang off it (range finder, UHF, etc) that might be little sparklers too.

Do any of you blokes wash these as well? Or have another way of dealing with them? Or, like me, have never done anything about them?

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Hunt into the wind, go slow and be quiet, see them before they see you.

Why would you wash your hunting gear, except your pants after you've been honked at 10 metres.


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My GPS and radio has been camo painted with matte paint, anything shiny can be taped up.
There is a point however where it goes to far and you have to think practically.

Not going to paint up my range finder and the only time it's "out on view" is when I'm taking a range. And then it's obscured by my hands and the most reflective part is the rounded lens which NEEDS to I could build up an anti-glare device for it, but really but the deer is that close to be worried about it. I don't need to use the range finder (I do have an anti-glare hood on my Rem700. You can look at it at the Gatta if you like).

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I'm not so worried about the electrickery - that stuff only comes out at quiet times.

I'm thinking more about the backpack. It could be a great big UV danger beacon to deer even though it's in camo already.

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I just hand wash my hunting clothes in cold water about once a year. Take off or conceal anything that reflects light.

Trip just gone I miss placed my wedding ring. Whoops.

Funny how keen your hearing becomes when you take it off too!

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Duncs just test your pack and other stuff under a black light. If it reflects like your hair used to at the discos then it probably needs a wash but stopping UV reflection can be a major problem no matter what the wash people say.

Just don't wash your clothes with that powder with all the whitening additives. Lectric is OK on clothes that already don't have UV brighteners soaked in. If they have then I reckon you have it forever to some degree.

Take a look back at the pictures of the old deer hunters, collar and tie with some of them, they still plugged 'em and there wasn't that many around in those days.

Selling camo clothing is easy, people think it's the must have....hell what am I saying?


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Wool wash it - no phosphate !

Just Nikwaxed my boots to get the goretex working properly. Hope this works I'm in the Gatta this weekend. Hate wet feet !

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How did you go on the reds Waza?


Chased a double six point buck all week but not a clear shot for long enough to put him down humanely. Saw heaps of hinds, a few other bucks with smaller heads too. Definitely going back mate I learned heaps over the week.

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