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Night Vision


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Just got my hands on my NIGHTHAWK from Aushunt via Tasco/Bushnell that i was awarded for a hunt story.Straight off i powered her up and closed all the doors leading to the hallway and i had absolutely no trouble at all looking at prints and paintings on the wall in almost no light at all... i will get outside after dark for a squiz around the yard andi`m going have some fun with this little beauty,however one problem is that the battery charger cord has a two pin system that wont fit the Aussie power point....??????? spew.I will work something out with some sort of adapter...any of you fellas got ideas?

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No one will be able to hide now Gryphon I need one for when the kids want to play hide and seek :D lol :D the would probaly still beat me :D:D:D little turds

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If it's a twin straight pin it will be 110volt, you will need to buy the adaptor which as the guys say is readily available in 240volt.

What's the outcome on the bino's, are they any good, let us know how you went with them?????

Cheers................Pete! :D

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well its a fun thing and amazing as to how it can "see" in the dark etc but it would be limited in looking for or at wild deer etc....

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cheating is the point Bronski :lol::lol::lol:

I know one bloke that shoots the same piece of dirt as me but he uses night vision he just drives in in his bronco lights out and starts shooting, no wonder there no pigs or foxes left for me :(:( .but i suppose IF YOU GOT IT USE IT!!!!!!

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On 01/05/2006 at 6:22 PM, Deerchaser said:

How is that night vision going Gryphon?

not worth two knobs of goat shit actually, I played inside with it realised its worthlessness and gave it to Ronos boys a week later.

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