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Everything posted by Martyr

  1. I emailed every single U.S based shop that sells them and only received ~5 places willing to ship it over here. Postage ranged from $13US to $45US shop to shop. I obviously went with the cheaper shipping - however it will still be USPS Global Priority Mail - so 4-6 days to arrive. I purchased it from ironbrigadearmory.com if anyone wishes to know. Total was $38US or approx $50AU. Well worth it I believe. Can't believe no shop in Australia has even heard of it. Apparently the manufacturer (KMW) just made a massive amount of them for an order for the U.S Military.
  2. The knurled nut for swivel tension. Yeah. I've heard that the friction tensioning knob is hard to adjust with your fingers and you need to get the pliers on to it. However, I've found an awesome U.S aftermarket product called the 'Pod-Loc' to fix this problem. The Pod-Loc is a tension Lever that replaces the friction tensioning knob to give you much better control and leverage. It suits all Seires S (Swivel) Harris Bipods. I've read lots of user reviews and all have them have been praising this aftermarket device saying it makes the swivel bipod SO much more easier to use. It also tucks away when not in use so it wont catch on anything whilst your carrying your rifle. Problem is, I can't for THE LIFE OF ME find anyone in the U.S willing to ship it over here. For more information, just Google it. Here's some pictures.
  3. Thanks guys. I'm now leaning towards the L Model (9" - 13") in swivel. Just one question though, the 13" would be obviously be good for prone shooting - but what about 9"? Is it a nice height for leaning over objects? (i.e. cars)
  4. Hi Guys. I'm in the market for one to suit my .223 but am unsure on which one to purchase. I'm looking between the Model L (Adjustable height from 9" to 13") & Model H (Adjustable from 13 1/2" to 23") I think either of the two can come in a "Series M" which enables the legs to eject by spring. Also the height settings can be done in 1" increments. You can also get them in "Series S" which is the swiveling model (for leveling on uneven ground). This seems very handy. Here's the problem... I've heard that the Model H is best for varmint shooting but it doesn't come in the swiveling model (Series S). What do you people recommend? Which do you own? Any help would be greatly appreciated tim
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