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Camo Clothing


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So heres the thing, I know this is similar to another thread just listed, but I am about to start down the path of NSW State Forest hunting.

For those who already do this, obviously the blaze orange is necessary.

But my question is, Do you bother with Camo clothing, is it really necessary? and if so what is your preferred choice, eg full kit, or just a shirt etc?

Stoney Creek, Ridgeline, cabelas?

Edited by GMac
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Depends on where I go and what I'm doing.

At the airport, it tends to be a moment of opportunity, so what ever I'm wearing.

Planning to go out for rabbits in the evening, I tend to take my camo pants at least. Mainly because these have been modified to have elastic at the foot. Stops grass seeds sticking in my socks and bugs crawling up my leg.

For deer in the bush (or any "proper" hunt) I go with full gear.

My gear is just normal Auscam BDU's from Aussie Disposals. (Battle Dress Uniform)

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