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About Jock

  • Birthday 01/10/1961

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  1. Sorry, I don't know who they are. But if you are happy with them, well done.
  2. Sounds suss to me. Maybe a Fake. Send it back. Buck is quality.
  3. I use this. No problems unless it rains.
  4. Jock

    Havalon Knives

    I have never seen those before. Isn't technology a wonderful thing. They look stupidly sharp. Be a good addition and cheap as chips.
  5. Bunnings sell Gun Safes also.
  6. Sorry I am not Wait Awhile. But do you have Big Iron over there? I have a Big Iron 8. It was pretty cheap.
  7. Mate, I love it. Nice and cool when its hot, it feels like it is wet sometimes because of the breeze.
  8. I just bought the P7 Package with a mount kit and remote pressure switch from QGE for $120.
  9. Mate, I just use those Plugs with the hard plastic band, that hang around your neck.
  10. Try a Bracket that goes in the Window opening.
  11. Winchester make Double size cases. http://www.olin.com.au/products/accessories/products.aspx?type=guncases&category=winchester IIRC, I paid around $130 from Cleavers.
  12. I just would like to let you Guys and Girls out there know, that I ordered two Blaze Camo Jackets thru SamHuntVic, who is a Business Member on here, for Tom and myself. I wanted to get a bit more Blaze Camo, as we only had Hats, so I thounght the Jackets would be great. I wasn't disappointed. I was nervous ordering over the internet, but all was good. The service was great. Delivery was no hassle. The prices great. I like the cut of the Jackets and the way they fit. All around, very Happy. What more could you ask for? A big thumbs up to Grant and the Team at SamHuntVic. Thank you. http://www.samhuntvic.com.au
  13. Jock


    That Blade is Hypnotic. Too good to use, but what the heck you would have to use it anyway. A bit like owning a Mercedes Benz 4X4, you just have to use it. Cheers for the piccy.
  14. Penguin, Great alternative for Blokes chasing a Hunting Buggy.
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